We can all agree that Mother Nature is the original and most prolific artist on the face of the earth. Humans have long attempted to capture her beauty through many artistic mediums, but it’s not until recent technological advances in photography that anyone has even come close to doing it any justice.
Likely in response to the sheer number of incredible nature photos taken each year, an Australia-based organization began holding the International Landscape Photographer of the Year competition. In it’s second year the organization got 2,604 submissions, of which they chose an over-all winner and a few runner-ups. From the submissions, they chose the “best” 101 photographs which are then made into a hard copy and digital book.
This year’s grand prizewinner is photographer Luke Austin from Perth, Australia (the Photo of the Year slot also went to an Australian, Luke Tscharke.) I could blow a tiny whistle and attempt to claim they are giving their artists a home team advantage…but I’m willing to believe that Australia boasts some of the most photographic wildlife on earth (and their talent is undeniable).
If you are a budding landscape photographer this competition is totally worth entering, as the grand prize is $5,000 in cash, the photo of the year gets $2,000 in cash, and so on. It is a photo competition in it’s infancy, so get in before the organization is flooded with thousands of submissions years down the line. Click here to learn more about submission guidelines and FAQs.
Be sure to check out all 101 photographs chosen and look into each photographer as well, this is a great way to get exposed to new imagery from all over the world!