Time Light Box, the blog created by TIME magazine’s photo department, recently published an awesome interactive graphic of the United States that reveals each state’s top Instagrammer. Refreshingly, the accounts chosen were not based upon the number of followers (though most of them have at least 20k), rather they were seemingly chosen based on artistic value and curation.
I’m not even going to try and guess how they managed to choose only one from each state (I imagine there were some heated discussions in those brain storming sessions), but the spread of artists range from a creative 17 year old boy in Indiana (Skyler Wagoner) to a seasoned art director in Minneapolis (Madelyn Furlong) to a National Geographic photographer in Montana (Ami Vitale).
Like the rest of the universe, I love me some Fat Jewish or Fuck Jerry, but am delighted to be exposed to a whole slue of new Instagram accounts that feature the work of talented photographers. I didn’t know it, but it turns out its fascinating to see what the Appalachian community of West Virginia looks like (through the lens of Stacy Kranitz) or an intimate documentation of a mother’s struggle with mental illness in Missouri (through the lens of Melissa Spitz).
To play with TIME’s interactive map, click here, and be sure to follow Art Report on Instagram while you’re at it. And Facebook. And Twitter. Get it? We shamelessly want you to follow our social media…so do us a solid. Thaaaaanks TIME!