After circulating rumors, it has now been confirmed that notorious French street artist, the Invader, has made it to the streets of New York. His signature pixelated mosaic style can be seen around the world, both on facades of urban architecture as well as in some international galleries. After the Invader, named and inspired by the arcade game, Space Invaders, posted a studio snapshot on his Instagram of a tiled, black and white “NY” piece, we assumed where the artist would make his next move.
In 2013, the 46-year old artist was arrested on the Lower East Side for the installation of one of his mosaics on a privately owned residential building. Although he wasn’t charged, the incident definitely could have hindered his interest in taking his future works to the States. Nevertheless, he’s back and apparently already has one work plastered on a Bushwick wall. Apparently the Invader will be putting up his latest series in all of the five boroughs throughout the city. Some of the works consist of famous New Yorker comedian, Woody Allen as well as lead singer of the Ramones’, another note-worthy New Yorker, Joey Ramone. His new series is consistent with some of his past pixelated works, yet they now have an attached distinct New York vibe. But, why the video game-pixel style?
“I became interested by computer pixelation,” says the artist. “It was the beginning of the Internet. It was a revolution, the beginning of video games, and the beginning of our era.”
Check out Invader’s instagram to see the latest installments of his pixilated work popping up throughout Manhattan!
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